Our Vision

Cultivating Worship Culture

GMM Worship Community is dedicated to the mission
to create and spread the culture of the Kingdom of God.

We are creative collectives that cherish the values of God’s Kingdom.
With that in mind, we gather and establish
regular worship services to cultivate the worship culture
in Toronto through music and digital media.

We disciple worshippers in regular gatherings and discipleship
to build the next generation of Christians
to serve their local churches with their God-given talents.

GMM Worship Community는 하나님 나라의 문화를 만들고
전하는 사명에 헌신된 사람들 입니다.

하나님 나라의 가치들을 소중히 여기는
사람들이 모여 토론토 땅에 예배 문화를
선도해 나갈 수 있는 정기 찬양 집회를 세우고
예배를 통해 각 교회를 섬길 예배자들을 키워내며,
다음 세대를 세워 나가고 있습니다.


Rev. Hyung Jun Ahn
Representative Director